The ADF International Programme

ADF 2024 Annual Dental Meeting – 26-30 November – Palais des Congrès de Paris

Browse through the full programme (in French)

This year, 11 sessions will be either given in or translated into English

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Wednesday 27 November

Session coordinator: Gary Finelle

Speaker: Joseph Kan (United States)

Learning objectives:

  • Know how to deal with compromised teeth
  • Compare flap versus flapless immediate implant placement
  • Understand the connection between soft and hard tissues.

This presentation aims at shedding a scientific and methodological light on single unit implant surgery in the esthetic zone, whether we are dealing with an intact extraction socket or a compromised one.

The presentation will focus on diagnosis, case selection, planning, periodontal treatment and prosthetic restoration.

Session coordinator: Jacques-Olivier Pers

Speakers : Fridus Van der Weijden (the Netherlands), Charlotte Thomas, Banndith Cheat, Jean-Eric Alard, Kadiatou Sy

Learning objectives:

  • Decode dentin hypersensitivity
  • Understand how research in dentistry has expanded
  • Keep track of innovation, from the research lab to the chair-side

During this session, Fridus Van Der Weijden will address a “sensitive” issue: how to decode dentine hypersensitivity? He is an acknowledged expert and during his lecture he will review possible causes for dental hypersensitivity, focusing on therapeutic approaches and future perspectives in order to improve dental care.

This will be followed by the IFRO 2023 Awards session. Charlotte Thomas will discuss the oral microbiota of obese patients before they undergo bariatric surgery, Banndih Cheat will compare the oral microbiota of patients affected by periimplantitis and periodontal disease, Jean-Eric Alard will explore the role of acquired immunity in severe periodontal disease and Kadiatou Sy will discuss research regarding endo-periodontal lesions.

The session will also include presentations of the AAP IFRO 2024 award winner projects and videos from students who won IFRO/UNECD** awards.

* French institute for dental research
** Dental students’ union

Thursday 28 November

Session coordinator: Alain Perceval

Speaker: Victor Clavijio (Brazil)

Learning objectives:

  • Understand esthetic and functional factors
  • Master modern restoration techniques
  • Understand how to manage clinical challenges and complications

Dr Victor Clavejo’s lecture will dive into the challenges encountered when performing esthetic restoration of an anterior tooth. This procedure in the esthetic zone is particularly difficult because it consists in restoring masticatory function while preserving the smile esthetics. The main challenges include precisely reproducing the color, shape and texture of a natural tooth as well as dealing with alignment, size and periodontal tissues. The lecture will also highlight the use of advanced techniques, including digital modeling and 3D printing, for more accurate and durable restorations. In a nutshell, Dr Clavejo will provide an in-depth overview of technical and esthetic challenges that clinicians face when performing anterior single tooth restoration, while underlining how useful innovative techniques are to tackle these challenges successfully.

Session coordinator: Francesca Mangione

Speaker: Mostafa EzEldeen (Belgium)

Learning objectives:

  • Know dental autotransplantation indications
  • Know preoperative planning and 3D printing protocols
  • Know imaging techniques involved in the digital flow.

Replacing teeth is one of the major challenges in pediatric dentistry, due to the fact that in children alveolar bone has not completed its growth. Treatments must therefore adjust to growth-related changes and oral cavity development.

Dental autotransplantation has attracted growing attention among practitioners, since both esthetics and function in the dental arch may be restored using a natural tooth rather than an implant, provided an appropriate donor tooth is available. The procedure is technique- and operator-dependent in as far as the transplanted tooth survival may be influenced by a number of factors. If creation of a virtual patient and preoperative planning are carefully performed, in combination with an appropriate surgical technique, very favorable long-term survival and success rates can be expected.

Session coordinator: Gil Tirlet

Speakers: Amélie Mainjot (Belgium), Massimo Saratti (Switzerland)

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the properties of the various CAD-CAM composite materials
  • Know the new minimally invasive treatment protocols
  • Know the treatment protocols and the digital workflow

Dental wear is more and more frequently observed and the growth of non-carious lesions is linear in Western populations. Their incidence, particularly in younger patients, is a cause for growing concern. In the past, substantial loss of hard tissues required invasive therapy and full crown capping. Recent progress in dentistry has led to a paradigm shift, where patients can now be treated with minimally invasive and/or additive dentistry.

How to reconstruct dental tissues in a non-invasive way when treatment is required? How to simplify the management of these cases?

The first lecture (Dr Amélie Mainjot) will highlight an innovative indirect treatment protocol for severe tooth wear (“one step – no prep”) without tooth preparation or provisional phase. This protocol uses an original CAD-CAM composite family: hybrid ceramics (aka PICN composites). The lecturer will discuss their advantages over direct composites and ceramics, especially with regard to bruxism, as well as occlusion management, namely with new technologies (Modjaw system).

The lecture will also look into the contribution made by minimal orthodontic treatment to minimally invasive management of localized severe tooth wear, with the example of the one step – no prep protocol supported by localized and very short orthodontic treatment. As a matter of fact, a large number of patients suffer from severe tooth wear limited to a few teeth, especially in the anterior zone. This protocol helps to manage complex cases by turning them into simple ones, and it shows, once more, how valuable multidisciplinary collaboration can be.

The second lecture will present an overview of the present situation with regard to treatment protocols and the workflow for complete rehabilitation cases with a fully digital approach.

Amélie Mainjot: The one step – no prep technique: a simple, non-invasive treatment for generalized and localized severe tooth wear using hybrid ceramics.

Massimo Saratti: Conservative treatment in patients affected by tooth wear: digital and minimally invasive protocols.

Session coordinator: Alexis Gaudin

Speaker: Kerstin Galler (Germany)

Learning objectives:

  • Adapt one’s practice when dealing with necrosis in an immature permanent tooth
  • Know the clinical protocol for revitalization/revascularization
  • Understand the various types of healing processes that follow revitalization/revascularization.

In the field of endodontics, pulp regeneration has drawn a lot of interest over the last 2 decades. Regenerative approaches, also known as revitalization or revascularization, mainly target teeth whose roots are incomplete due to pulp necrosis. These treatments are now part of the dentist’s armamentarium and are considered to be an alternative to apexification techniques. Not only do these procedures relieve pain and inflammation and treat periapical lesions, but they also encourage the formation of immunocompetent tissue inside the root canal, thus increasing the length, thickness and resistance of dentine walls which may otherwise be weakened and more prone to fractures.

This session will cover the role played by stem cells and the microenvironment in the healing process leading to regeneration or repair. The challenges we are facing and the hopes fuelled by revitalization/revascularization approaches for regenerative endodontics will also be discussed.

Session coordinator: Jean-Louis Giovannoli

Speaker: Anton Sculean (Switzerland)

Learning objectives:

  • Efficiently diagnose periimplantitis
  • Make the best therapeutic choice when facing periimplantitis
  • Know how to prevent implant-related infectious complications

Ever since osteointegration’s advent, implant placement has, rightfully, become accepted as the ideal solution to edentulousness and, wrongfully, as the efficient alternative to conservative treatments. All the studies published on mid- and long-term results show a high prevalence of infectious complications, particularly in patients who lost their teeth to periodontal disease.

This session aims at introducing the most recent guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of periimplantitis, in order to help practitioners prevent implant surgery complications and to take stock of all the therapeutic solutions available to fight periimplantitis related infections.

Friday 29 November

Session coordinator: Gauthier Cazals

Speaker: Daniele Manfredini (Italy)

Learning objectives:

  • Learn about the need to move away from old occlusion-related paradigms
  • Understand that there is no relationship between dentistry and body posture
  • Think outside the box and integrate anatomy to dentistry

For decades, dental surgeons have relied on dogmas based on a perfect match between shape and function. Such idealism has led to a number of mechanical theories embraced by generations of practitioners in all the fields of restorative dentistry. And yet it appears this paradigm was ill-founded: natural occlusion can no longer be construed as a diagnostic aim. The same applies to its correction for medical purposes. The main researchers/clinicians have published numerous papers emphasizing the lack of correlation between dental occlusion characteristics and pain or dysfunctioning of the temporomandibular joint or jaw muscles. It is time dental surgeons change their perspective!

It seems therefore rather strange that some practitioners still recommend that occlusion be corrected for posture-related reasons, relying on anecdotal  suggestions according to which the body posture is influenced by dental occlusion characteristics. However fascinating these theories may be, they expose patients to useless overtreatment, which is inadmissible in the era of evidence- and ethics-based medicine.

The aim of this lecture is to show participants how to break apart the conventional gnathology concepts and dogmas, including canine guidance, centric relation and instrumental devices. Anatomical and (bio)logical reasoning will serve as a basis for discussion, focusing particularly on suggestions for the benefit of health care practitioners who navigate daily the murky waters of occlusal practice (i.e., clinicians practicing orthodontics, prosthetic and restorative dentistry).

Session coordinator: Benjamin Pippenger

Speaker: Shakeel Shahdad (United Kingdom)

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how to set up a research team as a clinician
  • Understand how to form a multidisciplinary team
  • Understand the benefits of embarking on research projects

Carrying out clinical and research activities in parallel is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding and effective professional approaches available. Often seen as the domain of academic clinicians with ‘dual status’, the vast majority of clinicians, mainly based in private practice, dare not even try. In this session, we want to show how it is possible to juggle these two activities. From defining a clinical problem to putting together a suitable team, Professor Shahdad has agreed to give us an insight into one of his clinically relevant research topics. How did he launch the project? How did he put together the team? Where did the money come from? How did he find the time? Was it worthwhile? All these questions will be addressed with the aim of demonstrating that you, as a clinician, are perfectly capable of contributing to the advancement of dental research.

Session coordinator: Emmanuelle Esclassan Noirrit

Speaker: Georgios Tsilingaridis (Sweden)

Learning objectives:

  • Know how to diagnose the various types of crown-root fractures
  • Know how to systematize the emergency therapeutic approach
  • Become familiar with the various therapeutic solutions and the respective prognosis

Prevalence of crown-root fractures remains limited, but they are complex to deal with due to the fact that the fracture line is predominantly sub-gingival or even infrabony. Keeping the tooth in the arch may constitute a challenge, considering how difficult it is to recreate the necessary biological width.

Emergency treatments often rely on temporary restoration and stabilization of the fractured fragment. Therapeutic decisions require an accurate diagnosis, possibly with the help of CBCT in order to visualize the fracture line three-dimensionally.

The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) suggests five therapeutic alternatives, depending on the clinical situation : gingivectomy (or even osteotomy), surgical or orthodontic extrusion preceding crown restoration ; decoronation for the purpose of performing implant-supported rehabilitation and, as a last resort, (in the event of a vertical fracture for instance), extraction.

Session coordinator: Guillaume Campard

Speaker: Nathalie Leow (United Kingdom)

Learning objectives:

  • Know how to clinically diagnose a furcation lesion
  • Become familiar with therapeutic options available to deal with class II furcation involvement lesions
  • Understand the principles and limitations of regenerative treatment approaches

Furcation lesions in patients suffering from periodontal disease represent a complex challenge for practitioners. Optimal treatment outcome can only be achieved through nuanced understanding of the anatomy and therapeutic strategies.

This presentation will explain why a thorough analysis of the anatomy in furcation lesions is essential and provide a reminder on current classification and methods needed to reach an accurate diagnosis. Evidence-based therapeutic options will be thoroughly reviewed, including standard or more recent techniques such as non-surgical approaches, resective or regenerative surgery, thus providing an overview of therapeutic approaches best suited to furcation involvement lesions. Moreover, the presentation will address the concept of patient-centered approaches, highlighting the role of communication and joint decision-making, which are key to ensure therapeutic success. By combining clinical and bibliography data, the presentation will provide the necessary knowledge to face the challenge of treating furcation lesions, improve clinical practice and promote periodontal health over the long term.